Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pizza Crust 101

About a year ago, I was doing this low carb "lifestyle" thing and was desperate for a taste of pizza.  I'm at that desperate point today.  Last year we tried the cauliflower pizza crust floating around the internet.  It was ok.  Today I decided that I was going to attempt to find a better and less stinky alternative.  I had a few requirements:  paleo, no cauliflower (remember, stinky), and not too much coconut flour (hubbys isn't a huge fan).  So I set off to peruse Pinterest.  I found THIS recipe and decided to give it a go.  Winner Winner Pizza Dinner!

Paleo Pizza Crust

When I compare it to my previous pizza crust attempts, it just looks and handles a million times better.  The cauliflower crust just didn't always get as dry and was more of a fork pizza.  You could pick this one up.  Flavor?  It was pretty good.  One child liked and the other child turned up her nose.  The hubby is still at work so the jury is out on what he will think; he's a pizza fan so he might be critical.  I think next time I will add a little Parmesan cheese to the dough and brush a little garlic butter on the crust. 

Paleo Pizza

Prep Time:  10 minutes
Cook Time:  22-24 minutes
Yield:  a medium size pizza

1/2 cup almond meal
1/4 cup coconut flour
1 TS baking powder
1 1/2 TS garlic powder
1 TS basil
3 eggs
1/2 cup almond milk

Preheat the oven to 400

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix.  I just used a fork and made sure all flour chunks are broken up.  Then add the eggs and milk.  Mix well.  It turns into a ball of dough just a hair softer than you might be used to.

Grease your pan or use parchment paper.  I used a pizza circle and actually did no greasing since it seasons itself as you go.  Spread your crust on the pan/dish as thin as you would like it.  Mine was about 1/4 inch thick.  Bake for 10 minutes then remove from the oven.

Add all of your toppings.  Put back in the oven for 12-14 minutes keeping an eye on your crust.  Remove and eat!


Before I get any Paleo lectures please note that we are not strict paleo so we do use a little dairy now and then.  I mean pizza with no cheese?  Yeah Right.   I think I might add some Parmasan cheese to the crust mix before baking and then some garlic butter brushed on the edges on my next go round.

My pizza dough ball ready for a smack down.

I used my hands to spread out the pizza dough to about 1/4 inch thick before popping it into the oven to cook for a bit.  Precooking the crust prevents the center of the pizza being raw after putting all the toppings on.  Worked out great!

 Baking away in the oven.  Looks like a regular pizza, huh?

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